If you’re experiencing pain, stiffness and clicking noises in your jaw, you might be one of the...
Appointments are available to fit your schedule. Call us today at 516-686-9557 or book online anytime...
Specialized health services offered by award-winning Somatic Massage Therapy & Spa ! First place awards voted...
When you are feeling stressed, anxious or ready for a break, contact Somatic Massage Therapy &...
Have you considered a great massage? A perfect facial that brings back your youth or makes...
We have found the absolute best scar cream and now introduce to our clients in our...
Gift certificates from Somatic Massage Therapy, PC turned out to be the greatest gift ever received!...
This “game changing” vacuum technology is centuries old in principal, but new applications offer an extensive...
Our friendly, licensed staff is selfish…FOR YOU! They are absolutely focused on your complete satisfaction. Your...